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Welcome to the Home of SimpleSong! 
The Singing Mac

SimpleSong is a program that allows you to easily write songs for your computer to sing! You simply enter the syllable or word to be sung, select the note length, and play on an on-screen piano keyboard. When you are done with your song, SimpleSong will save it as a SimpleText file (SimpleText can also "sing" the song), so almost any Mac user can hear your song on their computer. Send some singing e-mail!

System Requirements

SimpleSong has the following system requirements:

Download SimpleSong

SimpleSong (ca.660 KB) is available for downloading by clicking here. You will need Stuffit Expander or a similar product to expand the archive. Please remember that SimpleSong is not free.  If you decide you would like to continue using the program then please pay for it!  You can pay by credit card, check or money order (Payment information is included with the program), or you may use a credit card to pay online here:
Thank you for your support!

SimpleSong is preset to run using 5 MB of RAM.  This should be sufficient for most computers. However, if you see a message indicating that  SimpleSong is out of memory, try increasing the amount of memory available to the program.  You can do this by selecting SimpleSong's icon in the Finder and then selecting "Get Info" from the File menu. Try changing the number in the "Preferred Size" box to 6000 or more, if necessary.

IMPORTANT: You must have the following items present in your "Extensions" folder in order for SimpleSong to work properly:

These are the most effective "singers" for use with SimpleSong. If you do not see these voices in the "Voices" submenu of SimpleText, then one or more of the abovementioned components is missing. The installation of these items is standard with system software 7.6 and newer. If you need to install any of the components, use your system software CD, or click here. A folder containing the necessary files will be downloaded to your computer. You will need Stuffit Expander or a similar product to expand the archive. Put the contents of the folder (not the folder itself) into the Extensions folder (inside the System folder) and restart your computer.

Sample Songs

You can hear some songs produced with SimpleSong! Download the SimpleText files by clicking here. You will need Stuffit Expander or a similar product to expand the archive. I plan to expand the number of samples, so check back often. If you have a song you'd like included here, please send it to the above address. Please read the file "Read Me First" before attempting to have the songs "sung". It explains in more detail the required system configuration.

Any questions? Write to the author, Kurt Kaufman, at the following address.

For other programs written by Kurt Kaufman, click here.

Page last modified 1/1/99KK
Page contents and SimpleSong © 1999 Kurt Kaufman
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